Àlex R. Atrio


Hi, I have recently completed my PhD (“Regularization Techniques for Low-Resource Machine Translation”) in EPFL and HEIG-VD (Switzerland) under the supervision of Andrei Popescu-Belis, on Natural Language Processing, and specifically Machine Translation and Language Generation.

I am currently in the job market for industry Research Scientist positions or Postdoctoral positions.

I have mainly worked on low-resourced languages or domains, both in machine translation and language generation. I have worked on improving sequence-to-sequence models by studying the relation between regularization and the flatness of their loss landscape. I have also worked with multilingual and multitask models, and studied how to train more efficient machine translation systems. Regarding text generation with language models, I have studied both rules-based, hybrid, and neural (with synthetic data creation) generation on low-resource domains.

Before starting my PhD, I did my masters on Cognitive Science, with a master’s thesis on cross-lingual sentiment analysis under the supervision of Toni Badia and Jeremy Barnes, in Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona.

Before that, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at Universitat de Barcelona, specializing in Logic, and Philosophy of Language and Science.